Traffic Points System Regulation In Ksa
How to calculate the number of points for each traffic violation. The violation requires a corresponding number of points. The necessary action is taken against any driver who accumulates 18 points in a Hijri year.

Advantages of the traffic violations points system:

  • Classifying traffic violations in homogeneous groups according to its danger to the public safety: the number of points for every group is decided according to its danger.
  • Determining criteria for the fines and punishment of violating traffic regulations according to a driver's violations record including temporary or permanent withdrawal of the driver's licence
  • Determining criteria for making drivers attend courses according to their violations records
  • Every driver watches his points' record trying to avoid violating traffic regulations
  • When a driver refers to the Traffic Control Police office to pay fines for violating traffic regulations, he is given a copy of his points record. The Traffic Control Police authority's computer is programmed to watch drivers' violation points records; when a driver's record reaches 18 points within a Hijri year, his driving licence is withdrawn for 3 months for the first time, 6 months for the second time and one year for the third time. At the fourth time within the same Hijri year, the driving license is withdrawn forever. Points are canceled a Hijri year after the last violation of traffic regulations.
  • Every holder of a Saudi driving license is awarded 2 points for safe driving if he avoids violating traffic regulations for a Hijri year.



Penalties are determined by the articles 178, 179, 187, and 188 of the traffic control law issued by the Royal Decree No. 49 dated on 6/11/1391H.

Article (178):

Considering the Article (205), boards are formed –when needed- by the Minister of Interior's decision. A board consists of two specialized members to evaluate the committed violations and decide the appropriate penalties.

Article (179):

The above mentioned board must make its decision within 10 days after receiving the violation report. The board may decide taking additional actions such as detaining the vehicle, withdrawing the driving licence or the registration licence, or both.

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Article (187):

If the same violations happen again within the same Hijri year, the above mentioned penalties are doubled.

Article (188):

If the violation is repeated, the director of the General Directorate of Traffic Control Police is authorised to withdraw the licence for a month, and he can withdraw the licence for more than one month or withdraw it forever if the repeated violations are hazardous to the public safety.

In addition to the violations mentioned in the tables of Class I violations and penalties, Class II violations and penalties, and Class III violations and penalties mentioned in the Article (176) of the traffic control law issued by the Royal Decree No. M/49 dated 6/11/1391H, and amended by the Royal Decree No. M/44 dated 22/10/1410H, the fines decided by the regulations of the points system is applied on violators of the traffic regulations according to the attached table as follows:

  • When the violator gets 18 points for the first time within a Hijri year, his driving licence is withdrawn for 3 months.
  • When the violator gets 18 points for the second time within a Hijri year, his driving licence is withdrawn for 6 months.
  • When the violator gets 18 points for the third time within a Hijri year, his driving licence is withdrawn for a year.
  • When the violator gets 18 points for the fourth time within a Hijri year, his driving licence is withdrawn forever. If a non-Saudi violator gets 18 points 3 times within a Hijri year, his licence is withdrawn forever and a report of the violations is submitted to the region Prince to consider cancelling his iqama (residence permit) and deporting him.
  • If a vehicle's driver, whose licence was withdrawn, drives a vehicle while his vehicle is withdrawn the following fines are imposed on him:
    • If a driver, whose licence is withdrawn for 3 months, is caught driving a vehicle, he is fined (SR 300) and imprisoned for a week.
    • If a driver, whose licence is withdrawn for 6 months, is caught driving a vehicle, he is fined (SR 600) and imprisoned for 2 weeks. The driver must also attend a training program for one week at the traffic control authority's driving school.
    • If a driver, whose licence is withdrawn for a year, is caught driving a vehicle, he is fined (SR 900) and imprisoned for 3 weeks. The driver must also attend a training program for two weeks at the traffic control authority's driving school.
    • If a driver, whose licence is withdrawn forever, is caught driving a vehicle, the fines authority reports him to the region Prince through the director of the police to decide the appropriate additional fine, after applying the Article C mentioned above.
  • A driver, whose licence was withdrawn forever, can restore it after 2 years and attending a training program in the traffic control authorities driving school, and getting the approval of HRH the Minister of Interior's Assistant for Security Affairs.
Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.


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