Lifting the ban on masks in open spaces In Saudi Arabia From Monday
Further relaxation of Corona SOPs in Saudi Arabia from Sunday, lifting the ban on masks in open spaces

Saudi Arabia has announced a relaxation of Corona SOPs from Sunday, October 17, allowing gatherings and lifting some restrictions on wearing masks for both Corona vaccine users.

The state-run news agency SPA quoted a statement from the Interior Ministry as saying: '

"Social distance regulations are also being simplified," the statement said. Will be allowed to work.

Interior Ministry sources said that visitors will be allowed to visit the Masjid al-Haram in Makkah and the Masjid al-Nabawi in Madinah to the best of their ability. Visitors receiving both doses of the vaccine will be able to perform Umrah using the Mask Restriction and Umrah Tracking app. Workers also have to wear masks.

"Events in wedding halls will no longer be restricted in number, but participants will have to follow other precautions, including masks."

Sources said that in view of the successful Corona vaccination campaign, a significant reduction in the number of victims and recommendations issued by the Ministry of Health, relaxation of 

Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.


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